By Fenella Brandenburg
In The University
in Ruins (1996) Bill Readings says that it is ‘excellence’ in its manifest
bureaucratic forms which is the driving force behind harnessing the
university’s function of the past and in postmodernity placing it under the
forces of the market (1999: 38): “Like the stock exchange, the University is a
point of capital’s self-knowledge, of capital’s ability not just to manage risk
or diversity but to extract a surplus value from the management” (1999: 40). The
Research Excellence Framework (REF) and the new Teaching Excellence Framework
(TEF) are perfect manifestations of Reading’s critique in action.
Readings dedicates a whole chapter to the notion of
‘excellence’, which he considers to be the watchword of the contemporary
corporatised university. Its effectiveness within the institutional apparatus
cannot be underestimated and in order to deconstruct the university discourse
it is important to understand the way excellence operates. For Readings,
‘excellence’ is a hollow term that has no absolute definition (1999: 24). He
states: “An excellent boat is not excellent by the same criteria as an
excellent plane” (1999: 24). A 2013 article in Times Higher Education mentioned “teaching jargon” and states:
“despite repeated claims of ‘teaching excellence’ on institutions websites,
there was little elaboration of what this meant in practice” (Matthews 2013:
Readings also makes reference to how the consumer-orientation of the
university ties in with technology, a large focus of Jean-François Lyotard’s
critique. Readings says: “All that the system requires is for activity to take
place, and the empty notion of excellence refers to nothing other than the
optimal input/output ratio in matters of information” (1999: 39). Capitalism
uses technology in order to circulate information and enable a pooling of
resources into a “generalized market” (Readings 1999: 32). In the university it
is the term ‘excellence’ that helps promote the propagation of this data and mobilise
its message. Readings says ‘excellence’ becomes translatable and usable by
anyone who wishes to describe it within any phenomenon, in whatever way they
choose, by any criteria (1999: 24).
One of the functions of excellence is how it helps
promote the processes of circulation essential to capital’s operation in regard
to power. Previously, the nation-state sat in the centre of civic life and
produced streams of power emanating outwards (the institution being one of the
representatives of the nation-state). Readings says that today, however:
Capital no longer flows outward from the centre,
rather it circulates around the circumference, behind the backs of those who
keep their eyes firmly fixed on the center. Around the circumference, the
global transfer of capital takes place in the hands of multi- or transnational
corporations. (1999: 111)
What this means for the university is that in its
corporate incarnation it is essential that it becomes part of this process and adopts
the modes of operating that capitalism endorses.
Upon repeated use the language of the university of
excellence becomes normalised, but it has ideological origins which are needed
for it to function within the capitalist system, both within and outside the
university. The language that excellence adopts, while serving the purposes of
the corporatised university, also has the function of creating a type of
abstraction, which removes the output of the system – the data that is
promulgated – from not only the material practices that are required to deliver
it, but also from the staff who work in the university and produce this data
(or are party to producing the data). Thus, the term is often used without
compunction, without question and without an understanding of the material
effects of the process that underpins it.
Continued in Part 2
Continued in Part 2
Matthews, David, ‘Global
faculty made up of bachelor’s boys and girls’, Times HE, 19/26 December
2013, p. 8.
Readings, Bill. 1999. The
University in Ruins (Cambridge, Massachusetts and London: Harvard
University Press).