Saturday, 23 April 2016
Particulations - Guest Posts
Here are a list of the psychogeography-related guest posts for 2016, in order of most recent. If you would like to write a post yourself, please get in touch with me at the contact page here. Thank you.
Genii Loci: Discovering the Spirits of Pace
By John Reppion
This post discusses the author's interest in the stories hidden in the landscape and introduces his edited volume Spirits of Place.
Four Journeys in the Black Mountains
By Tim Cooke
This series of posts takes us on a drift through the seasons of the Black Mountains in Wales.
Place-Hacking in Wonderland
By Anonymous
This post offers an account of urban exploring at Daresbury Hall. The explorer speaks of their first experience of place-hacking in this listed building in Cheshire.
Adam's Adjunct: A Review of Spare Rib
By Anna Chism
This post is a retrospective review of the feminist magazine Spare Rib. It compares some of the critical issues taking place in 1987 with those of today.
A Reader's Guide to the James Joyce Symposium
By Ian Garvie
This post describes the location and format of the 2016 Symposium and mentions some of the subject areas of papers presented. The author puts forward a subjective categorisation of the approaches to Joyce studies.
Death, Identity and Gentrification in Walthamstow, East London
By Deborah Talbot
A discussion of the effects of gentrification on the subjectivity, memory and sense of place of the author in this article on her past home.
Firing Slits: Jerusalem Colportage
By Niall McDevitt
An introduction to Niall's new book where he uses his London walking methodology in Jerusalem, interweaving his trip with old school psychogeographical literary influences.
The Ghost Walks in London
By Richard Brown
An article by the academic and James Joyce specialist, Richard Brown. You can read his article on London ghost walks, download his James Joyce Broadsheet and also view a map of a Shakespeare walk.
By Rob Kilner
A view of the surrounding urban landscape, including the observation of a pair of peregrines, by a worker from their 11th story office.
I Walk the (Matri-)line
By Lesley Eleanor Wood
A 140 mile, 14 day psychogeographical trip by the artist along the family lineage of the name Eleanor in response to Walking Inside Out.
Collyhurst Calling: 20 Million Years in the Making
by Stephen Marland
An amble through Collyhurst (Manchester, UK), taking you through its geological and urban history.
Abominable Snowman Theory
by Julian Isaacs
A Cixousian analysis of the word 'yeti' within a cultural/literary theory framework.
The Wirral Park Roundabout Mystery
by Paul Weston
Adapted from Glastonbury Psychogeography, this post discusses the mythology surrounding the area of this particular roundabout.
Come, Stravage With Me
by Scriber Punk
A discussion on the term 'stravage' in the context of Arthur Machen and other 'old school' psychogeographers.
Why You Should Be Aware of the High Voltage Electricty Pylons
by Mark Reeve
Fact, history and myth about our favourite giant electrical urban phenomenon.
Manchester: One City With Many Names and Histories
by Basak Tanulku
The experiences of living in Manchester from a visiting academic.
'God Knows Who Made Elephants' (Rudyard Kipling)
by Roger Boyle and Jeremai Smith
A look at the art deco designs by the British architect Montague Burton.
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