Sunday, 10 July 2011
Knitting a New Holbeck
On Saturday July 9th 2011 Simon Bradley and myself went for a walk around Holbeck. The first thing I photographed was this lovely little guerilla knitting sculpture, which I nearly missed. I like it because it's quite subtle and also I wonder what the long term effects of water running over it will be. Will it calcify like those teddies that people hang up in caves for visiting tourists.
Holbeck is now part of a regeneration scheme in the Leeds area. Below is one of the lovely old Victorian buildings that still remains in the area, the old library. Simon and I think it is probably an office now. Thankfully from the outside you wouldn't know it was. Even the old sign remains above the door: Ex Libris:
The above image was stencilled on the pavement of the bridge that you can see in the photo of the library. And the following reliefs were on the wall near Ingram Road Primary School. The date is 1904.
This lovely tree stump sculpture is on the grounds of a nearby church, which I think is now a community centre for Holbeck. It has an Arts and Crafts Movement feel about it, but I'm sure it is new. Below is the underpass nearby. As underpasses go, I've seen much worse. And, note, no graffiti - unusual:
Related Links:
Holbeck on Wikipedia
1963 Aerial View of Holbeck on Leodis
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