This zine is for anyone interested in cartography and psychogeography, or those who might even be new to maps. While it is research-based it is written in layman's terms. This is the first full-colour zine in the series.
This zine is for anyone interested in cartography and psychogeography, or those who might even be new to maps. While it is research-based it is written in layman's terms. This is the first full-colour zine in the series.
This is the latest zine from the Aca-Zine series, which is designed to introduce academic thought and analysis, in an accessible way, to anyone interested in the subject matter of the zine.
The zine is A5 size, includes text and images and is in black and white, for the hard copy, and colour for the digital version. The cover is coloured card (colour not specified). Below is further information on the author.
I know this is a cliché, but this booklet is a kind of love letter to Hunstanton: one that is deeply influenced by both my childhood (being a progeny of King’s Lynn) and the nostalgia of my late teens and early twenties, when me and my peer group used to socialise here. This is way before Hunstanton became the ‘posh’ seaside town it now is. This text is both a celebration and lament. How can it be both, you may well ask. I left King’s Lynn, for London, in 1987 and I returned to Hunstanton in 2022 due to an unexpected change in my personal circumstances. This is the story of that journey: from the standpoint of a person whose perspective has changed. Moreover, also the space that is being explored has changed…
The above is a recent 'map' of mine published by Colossive Press. It is for a series entitled 'Colossive Cartographies'. They are foldable maps in an A5 size. Below are some more images of my own version. You can buy it here (current price £2.00).